Thursday, October 09, 2008

Media Pitch

Subject Line: Logan Residents Can Find Solace in Economic Struggles

Dear Arie:

I wanted to give you the first heads up on a newly founded company called Cache Valley Area Investors Association. This association meets every other Thursday at the Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce to discuss ways that residents can earn a living while doing something they love. The main objective of the meetings is teach others that it is okay to work because you love what you do, and not for the sole purpose of earning money. In these times of economic panic, this can be a great way to reassure people that they will make it through and can with a positive attitude.

This association has been founded by Utah State University’s very own staff member, Preston Parker. Parker leads the meetings and occasionally a guest speaker is invited to bring a fresh view on investments.

For more information about this association, visit I look forward to our telephone conference on Wednesday and will send you more information soon.

Thanks for all you do,

Megan Hanselman
PR Specialist

1 comment:

Karlie said...

I really like that this is so personal and casual. Because you relate the importance of the organization to the general public, an editor is more likely to pick it up and do a story. Good Work!